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The Angels Initiative

Where Businesses And Charity Run As ONE


The Angels Initiative is a SUSTAINABLE Charity Program that groups businesses together to help beneficiaries with IMMEDIATE, short-term relief like Food and stretches to provide a more long-term support by providing opportunities to help them get back on their feet.


The Initiative’s MISSION is to create a healthy ecosystem for both businesses and beneficiaries in a continuous loop of support, combined strength, and kindness. As businesses gain through the program’s exposure and combined marketing efforts; monetary donations, support and opportunities will be channelled to people in need; through the Initiative’s Charity Partner - Hunger Hurts.


The aim is not only to offer immediate assistance; but to give HOPE & income opportunities during the pandemic & post-pandemic by creating a platform that brings businesses together to support each other and in turn, for these businesses to then:


1) Take a part of their Sale Proceeds to help those in need (offering care packages and immediate relief)


2) Providing job opportunities or skill enhancement training to aid the beneficiaries so that they may earn their living independently moving forward

The focus is on teamwork and combined strength to rebuild Malaysia and the people most affected by the global pandemic situation. The aim is to give hope by enhancing survival skills and simultaneously offering a platform to excel at during these trying times.


JN Fashions will be involved in The Angels Initiative program as we believe that Malaysians can unite and together, we can heal and make a difference to the community by creating a stable ecosystem between the businesses, consumers, and beneficiaries (people in need). If you share the same belief as us, you can do your part by:


1) using the #quinangels for your social media postings

2) purchase products from any of the businesses under this initiative

3) donate directly to Hunger Hurts under the #theangelsinitiative

4) Use your business/product/services to join this initiative



HOPE will help us get through the darkest of times. OPPORTUNITY is the path that will get us there”



Do not lose HOPE, Do not HARM yourself as the ANGELS have descended. Help is on its way!



*For more information, please visit The Angels Initiative’s official website at www.angelsinitiative.com or follow @theangelsinitiative